Logo Complex of Silesian International School
  • ul. Wincentego Witosa 18
  • 40-832 Katowice

Events - CSIS Katowice


Halloween Party

In October, the Student Scool Council organized a Halloween party. There were contests for the best costume and the best pumpkin, which students prepared through group work. Everything concluded with a dance party to the rhythm of our favorite hits. After...


The exhibition "Body Worlds"

Students from the Complex of Silesian International Schools visited the BODY WORLDS exhibition, the first public display focusing on human anatomy. They had the opportunity to learn about the changes occurring in the human body, the impact of substances, ...


Halloween fun in the Primary Programme

Children from the International Primary Program came to this year's Halloween party in various superhero costumes, from Spider-Man to Wonder Woman. The room decorated in the style of superheroes, with banners, balloons, and posters delighted and terri...


Sensory art classes in our kindergarten

Sensory art - i.e. art classes using all kinds of colors, textures, consistencies, and even flavors. In our kindergarten, we use sensory art to develop children's senses, motor skills, to calm down, and more :) The children were delighted with the ...