Events - CSIS Katowice - Page 11
Anatomy classes
There are many ways to learn about the structure of the eye. You can choose traditional multimedia presentations, but in our high school we decided to go further. Students participate in practical classes in the anatomy laboratory, where they independentl...
Development towards the IT industry
To better understand the everyday challenges and satisfaction of working in the technology sector, our high school students participated in a meeting with specialists from EXPLITIA S.A., which creates dedicated IT solutions for production plants. Young...
Help for a family from Chile
Getting involved in all kinds of fundraising and charity events is natural and spontaneous for us, and students are eager to help those in need. This time, tragedy struck the family of our friend Claudio in Chile. There has been a lot of talk in the me...
What to do after high school?
Choosing a career path is the first serious and difficult decision after graduating from high school. Which university to choose? What faculty? Today, many graduates declare that they will choose elite foreign universities. For our students who speak a...
@Zwolnieni z Teorii w Wańkowiczu – addiction prevention
In our high school, we hosted an addiction specialist, Mr. Andrzej Pilch! The meeting was organized by students of class II, Dominika Rędzia and Marysia Bac, acting as part of the @Zwolnieni z Teorii project in Wańkowicz. During the meeting, Mr. A...