Logo Complex of Silesian International School
  • ul. Wincentego Witosa 18
  • 40-832 Katowice

Events - CSIS Katowice


Firefighters in our kindergarten

On 02/02/2022, in our kindergarten, groups of 3 and 4-year-olds participated in a meeting with officers of the Volunteer Fire Brigade. The guests familiarized the preschoolers with the specifics of their work, presented their outfits and handy equipment. ...


Dog therapy

Last Wednesday on the 28th of January we had our second session of dog therapy at school. The theme was "Be like a dog". These sessions help children to overcome their fears and learn how to take care of a dog property. ...


Distance Teaching. Our Headmistress' Letter.

Dear Parents, Teachers and Students of our School Complex, Unfortunately, with the fifth powerful wave of coronavirus infections hitting Poland, we all face the challenge of distance learning once again. On January 27, the entire education process in t...


Christmas Meetings in Checkpoint and IGCSE1

On Friday, December 17, for the last time this year, we met with the teachers and our school friends in our school classes. We finished our lessons at 12. And then we sat down at the table for the Christmas feast. We were recalling all that was good and l...