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Safety on the Internet - meeting with a lawyer at the Wańkowicz Private Secondary School

The last classes as part of the contemporary knowledge project turned into an intensive, two-hour meeting with attorney Ewa Brodzińska-Nowak, who, on behalf of the Bar Association, prepared a lecture for students of our high school. Topics covered included offenses and crimes that occur in the virtual world, and young Internet users may become victims, but also unwitting perpetrators. The issues of hate, stalking, slander, defamation were discussed, as well as valuable advice on what to do about such behavior and where to seek help. The young people not only listened, but were eager to ask questions and discuss. The meeting was guided by the idea derived from the legal principle: "Ignorantia iuris nocet" (Latin: ignorance of the law is harmful). Knowledge does no harm. We would like to thank Mrs. Ewa for the meeting and her time.