Events - CSIS Katowice - Page 64
A Trip to the Silesian Botanical Garden
On 17th March, stage 4a and 4b students went for a Spring trip. The children had a chance to participate in the Green Survival workshops organised by the Silesian Botanical Garden in Mikołów. First, they could see and get to know given methods ...
Intern from Frankfurt
For the next three months, we host a teacher from Germany until the end of the school year. Denise Sier is an educated German and English teacher who received a scholarship from the Goethe Institute as part of the "Schulwärts!" Program...
The last middle school final exam
This is the last time. From 10 to 12 April, the students of the third grade of our Amicus and Complex of Silesian International Schools took the exam finishing the next stage of their education. This year, as many as six different teams supervised it...
A trip to the Silver Mine in Tarnowskie Góry
Last Thursday, April 11, students from Checkpoint 1 and Checkpoint 2 went to the historic Silver Mine in Tarnowskie Góry. This trip was especially important to us as the object is inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List - for the UNES...
Concerning the teachers' strike
Dear Parents, Dear Students and Friends, You have asked us about our attitude towards the teachers' strike in April. Our opinion has been included in the Statement by the National Board of Non-Public Education, which we hereby publish entirely. ...