Events - CSIS Katowice - Page 66
Finals of the 3rd Physics Contest In English
On March 12th, 2019, Melchior Wańkowicz Private High School hosted the final stage of international 3rd Physics Contest In English, created and organized by Ms Marta Skwarek. Once more, the contest raised a lot of interest among students and teachers, ...
Katowice Alpine Skiing Championship
This year, another edition of Presidential Cup Katowice Alpine Skiing Championship was organized in Zwardoń. The championship took place on March 11th, and the following age groups were formed: born in 2006 and younger born in 2003-2005 ...
Sewing Workshops
"Parents Project", proposed by Ms Aleksandra Węglarzy, the tutor of Stage 2PPa, became an inspiration to organize sewing workshops. Complex of Silesian International Schools is a place where children from all over the world study. We had an h...
Booktrailer Film Festival
We are really pleased to inform you that the movie prepared by students of the third grade of our middle school - Natalia Gieburowska, Karolina Gromada, and Sandra Popek - entitled "Into the Water" has been nominated for the final stage of the n...
Carnival Ball 2019 in Primary School
This year's carnival ball in Complex of Silesian International Schools took place on the last day of the carnival. Saying goodbye to winter, we chose the Snow Queen's Palace as the location of the ball. Moreover, winter was its main theme. The exh...