Logo Complex of Silesian International School
  • ul. Wincentego Witosa 18
  • 40-832 Katowice

Events - CSIS Katowice - Page 57


Fat Thursday

As every year, "Action Donut" was organized in our school. 1150 donuts were sold. The collected money will be donated to buy animal food from the "Kocimiętka" Association to Help Homeless Animals. We would like to thank the studen...


St Valentine's Carnival Ball

This year's Valentine's Day was special, especially for students of Complex of Silesian International Schools. That day we participated in St Valentine's Carnival Ball. All students prepared beautiful costumes related to the theme...


Researching and learning

It is always worth checking "how it works". Stage 2a students, together with their tutor, Ms Agnieszka took part in Physics 4 Kids classes. During the classes led by Ms Marta, students built simple electrical circuits and checked when current wa...


14th Extramural European Carol Competition

Traditionally, in January, our school hosted the Extramural European Carol Competition for elementary school students. Ms Barbara Czwartos, PhD from the Regional Teachers 'Training Center in Katowice, Ms. Dorota Szewczyk, Director of the Tea...