Events - CSIS Katowice - Page 56
The letter to Teachers
Dear Teachers of Complex of Private Schools in Katowice, It's been two weeks since the small, microscopic threat sent us all, Teachers, Administration and Service Workers, Students, and finally the Headmistress home. It is not an easy time for us. Op...
School during the coronavirus - letter from the Headmistress
Dear Parents, Dear Teachers, Dear Students of our Schools, It has been just a week since we all had to move our learning and work from classrooms, workshops, offices, playgrounds and school corridors to our own homes and the vast Internet space. It was...
Bronze Preparation Centre Certificate
At the beginning of this school year, we were proud to present a certificate confirming the membership of 'Szkoła Jak Dom' in the British Council Addvantage Scheme partner program. We are pleased to announce that our school has received the sta...
Spelling Bee
On the 26th of February, International Primary held a Spelling Bee Competition. The event was 2 hours long and quite tense at times. But our finalists rose to the occasion with a strong knowledge of their class vocabulary. 1st place Seoyeon Jeon - Stag...
Fat Thursday
As every year, "Action Donut" was organized in our school. 1150 donuts were sold. The collected money will be donated to buy animal food from the "Kocimiętka" Association to Help Homeless Animals. We would like to thank the studen...