Events - CSIS Katowice - Page 97
The extramural art contest named "Angels - kind spirits"
At the end of 2015, students of Complex Of Silesian International Schools participated in an extramural art contest named "Angels - kind spirits" organized by Primary School 37 in Katowice. Many interesting pieces of art were created. The organi...
Christmas charity action
Christmas time reminds us that we should open our hearts to others. When students of older international stages found out about the difficult situation of their friends from the community day care centre "Promyk Dobra" in Chodzież, they decided ...
Symphonic educational concert
On December 16th, 2015 second-grade students of Private Junior High School Amicus and students of 3CP class of Complex of Silesian International Schools participated in a symphonic educational concert organized by The Polish National Radio Symphony Orches...
Christmas Eve
On the 14th of December the primary international school celebrated Christmas Eve, during which we all learned a lot about this special holiday. The Christmas performance revealed the touching story of the Bethlehem star and baby Jesus. We learned that on...
"Save Earth"
Since September 2015, International Stage 3 and Stage 4 classes have been participating in an educational programme called "Save Earth". It is a programme designed for early education stages which mostly focuses on shaping ecological awareness o...