Logo Complex of Silesian International School
  • ul. Wincentego Witosa 18
  • 40-832 Katowice

Events - CSIS Katowice - Page 85


Primary students field trip

At the end of September, international students of Primary Programme went on a field trip to Stacyjkowo in Rudy Raciborskie. Many attractions waited for our students. A live history lesson told by a medieval knight, milking an artificial cow or handcar...


Clean Up the World 2017

On Friday, 15th September, our Primary Programme students joined the international action Clean Up the World 2017. They have participated in this great initiative for several years. The children were very engaged in picking up the rubbish from the nearby ...


Science Picnic

On June 9th, 2017, students of our schools and their teachers actively participated in an outdoor family event - Science and Culture Picnic. It was the fifth picnic organized by "Euro-Centrum" Science-Technology Park in Katowice. The stand of...


First aid

Holidays are coming. It is a time during which we relax, play, and have fun. However, dangerous situations may occur then, too. Do you know how to call for help? Do you know how to efficiently CPR an injured person? Every year, being aware how significant...