Szkoła międzynarodowa w Katowicach - CSIS Katowice

Logo Complex of Silesian International School
  • ul. Wincentego Witosa 18
  • 40-832 Katowice

Holidays are coming. It is a time during which we relax, play, and have fun. However, dangerous situations may occur then, too. Do you know how to call for help? Do you know how to efficiently CPR an injured person? Every year, being aware how significant first aid is, the international school organizes a meeting with paramedics. We cooperate with volunteers of Maltese Aid Service - an organization which has helped people all around the world for 900 years. The volunteers showed children how to place an unconscious person safely and what to do in case the heart stops beating. I hope that we can raise aware, helpful generations by teaching children first aid from their earliest years. They may save somebody's life one day.