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  • ul. Wincentego Witosa 18
  • 40-832 Katowice

Events - CSIS Katowice - Page 77


Family Day 2018

On May 29th 2018, our Primary Programme students from stages 4-6 celebrated Family Day together with their beloved Parents. The children have prepared an outstanding performance for this occasion to show their gratefulness and unconditional love towards t...


A trip to Pszczyna (Pless) - the "Discover Poland" cycle

On May 24th, 2018, students of BLG, 1DP-BLG classes, as well as volunteers from 1IGCSE, 2IGCSE, and 3CP classes participated in a one-day field trip to Pszczyna (Pless). The trip was also the first one in the "Discover Poland" cycle, during whic...


English language competition FOX 2018

In February our students took part in the 18th edition of “The National English Language Competition FOX 2018” under the patronage of the Department of English of the Jagiellonian University in Cracow. Four of our students got FOX certifica...


Final Stage of "Physics Seen By An Artist" Competition

After weeks of competition, the jury of „Physics Seen By An Artist” contest – specialists in the field of physics and arts, such as physics and art teachers, representatives of Institute of Physics (University of Silesia) and of Universi...