Szkoła międzynarodowa w Katowicach - CSIS Katowice

Logo Complex of Silesian International School
  • ul. Wincentego Witosa 18
  • 40-832 Katowice


Family Day in IGCSE, Checkpoint and FP classes

On Thursday afternoon, June 6, we celebrated the annual Family Day. The turnout was good. And there was a lot to see! Students from Checkpoint classes, together with Ms. Ala Pastuszka, Mrs. Kasia Wróblewska and Mrs. Marzena Bigaj prepared a thrilli...


Trip to Prague

June in our school is travel month! This year, class 3 of high school, together with their teacher, Mrs. Monika Pawłowska and Ms. Klaudia Lebiecka, set out to conquer the capital of the Czech Republic - Prague. The journey took place by train. You...


Gala of the Laureates

On June 5, we celebrated the Gala of the Laureates. This event was intended to honor students who in the past school year distinguished themselves with extraordinary scientific or sports achievements. Special thanks and congratulations were also given to ...


PhysicsBowl 2023

In April, students of our high school from classes 0DP2, IGCSE and IB took part in the international physics competition PhysicsBowl. It is a competition organized by the American Association of Physics Teachers, which is attended by high school stud...


Eighth Grade Prom

26th May – a great day for our students, the day of the eighth grade prom! After months of studying for the eighth-grader exams and the examination days’ stress, our students could finally relax and have fun on the dance floor. As always the p...