Logo Complex of Silesian International School
  • ul. Wincentego Witosa 18
  • 40-832 Katowice

Join the collection for children injured in car accidents!

Dear Parents and Friends,

As the Private School Complex in Katowice, we are proud to join the collection organized by Gyncentrum, supporting children injured in car accidents. Last year, Gyncentrum got involved in this noble cause through bidding and financial support. This year, they continue their mission by organizing a collection box during a 7-day trip to Monte Cassino.

You don't have to go to Italy to support them. Below you will find a link to the collection.

We are asking for support and commitment from parents and guardians who care about the fate of injured children. Every contribution, even the smallest, is of great importance and helps improve the lives of children who have suffered as a result of road accidents.

Thank you for all your support and we encourage you to join our fundraiser!

LINK TO THE COLLECTION -->    https://zrzutka.pl/wielkawyprawamaluchow/s/gyncentrum   <---