International Green School 2024
As every year, students of our international primary school took part in the May Green School. This time we visited Łeba again, which welcomed us with beautiful weather.
During our stay in this charming town, our young travelers visited the Słowiński National Park and climbed the dunes. These picturesque formations, surrounded on one side by the sea and on the other by a lake, delighted us with their beauty.
The trip program also included a boat cruise, a visit to the seals and a visit to the Dino Park, which provided us with many unforgettable experiences. Our twelve-day trip was enriched by numerous attractions, which ended with a bonfire and homemade sausages. Despite great homesickness, our little students did a great job.
Such trips teach independence and how to cope with everyday situations without mom and dad. Way to go! You passed this exam with flying colors. Until next time!