Szkoła międzynarodowa w Katowicach - CSIS Katowice

Logo Complex of Silesian International School
  • ul. Wincentego Witosa 18
  • 40-832 Katowice

As every year, the international school celebrated Halloween. From the early morning, students were engaged in the preparations. While children were busy participating in contests, high school students organised a make-up and tattoo studio for them. Every class made a Halloween pumpkin. As always, there were many fabulous ideas.

We started the ball in the assembly hall at noon. Everyone enjoyed singing Halloween songs, watching a theatre group performance, costume parade, snacks, and - of course - dancing!

The jury gave awards for the best, the most original, and the most creative disguise. Thanks to voting, the most beautiful and the most creative pumpkin was selected.

The party was a success thanks to many people engaged in it. Students from CP, IGCSE, and IB classes helped us organise and lead the ball. Special thanks to Grace, Martina, Nadia, Silvia, Michalina, Natalia, Amin, Marzena, Daria, and many others.

We would like to thank the Parents for preparing wonderful costumes. It was so difficult to choose the best ones - all students deserve a reward!