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  • ul. Wincentego Witosa 18
  • 40-832 Katowice

Farewell to 2024 high school graduates

The official farewell gala for this year's graduates of our high school is behind us. Only a week has passed, but it was such a moving ceremony that we still remember it vividly.

As every year, farewell speeches full of warmth and emotion were delivered by the Headmistress, Mrs. Jolanta Kałuża, the Coordinators, and representatives of parents and high school graduates. Many warm wishes, thanks and memories were expressed.

There was also an artistic part, touching videos recalling the years spent with our youth, tears of joy, congratulations, hugs, and many warm words addressed to educators and teachers.

To reflect the atmosphere of this unique event, we recommend viewing the fantastic photo gallery by Mr. Michał Skowroński.

[Farewell to high school graduates 2024 - Google Photos](https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipO_AdNAQQKOtfGAFVgK2r65gzb8guWUKTYgk2bjWabLLTGHlfaq0lpeMP9TNtDKSA?key=U3ZMSGRVeUcxTkUzWmY3RklvWHE3OGtsVWxud3NB )

Once again, we wish our high school graduates a bright future, fulfillment of their life plans and admission to their dream universities. We support you wholeheartedly! Let us know how you are, where you are, what you are doing. We don't say goodbye - we say see you!