Logo Complex of Silesian International School
  • ul. Wincentego Witosa 18
  • 40-832 Katowice

Development towards the IT industry

To better understand the everyday challenges and satisfaction of working in the technology sector, our high school students participated in a meeting with specialists from EXPLITIA S.A., which creates dedicated IT solutions for production plants.

Young people had the opportunity to explore the most important aspects of an engineer's work in a modern programming environment and learn about the development opportunities offered by the technology sector, especially in the context of creating dedicated IT solutions for the production industry. Moreover, the meeting participants gained valuable information about the necessary competences and skills that will be key for future software engineers. Thanks to the practical competition, they also had the opportunity to verify their knowledge and skills in a real environment.

This was another successful meeting from the "What happens after high school?" series, which helped to better understand everyday professional challenges and inspired young people to look for career paths in the technology sector. We believe it will prove valuable to those considering a career in IT industry.