Szkoła międzynarodowa w Katowicach - CSIS Katowice

Logo Complex of Silesian International School
  • ul. Wincentego Witosa 18
  • 40-832 Katowice

In the school year 2022/2023, grades 1 and 2 of the Polish high school implemented the modern knowledge project as part of school classes. This interdisciplinary, innovative concept implemented the core curriculum of subjects - geography, history and the present, and social studies. The originators and mentors of the course were Radosław Sagan and Monika Pawłowska. The theme was "The City". The students looked at it from different aspects and perspectives. The main assumption was to prepare an individual script which was to become the knowledge base necessary to create the final thesis. Finally, films, children's books, songs, and even poems were created. As always, we were pleasantly surprised by the creativity of the students.

The project went far beyond the walls of the school. In October there was a trip to Krakow and in May a final, several-day trip to the Tri-City. Students took part in workshops at the European Solidarity Centre. They got to know the history of the Hanseatic League even closer during classes at the Museum of Gdańsk. They discovered the magical world of learning in the interactive science center Hevelianum. There was also time for a boat trip, a historical walk around Westerplatte, and carefree moments on the beach as well as sunbathing on the Sopot pier. All in accordance with the principle that we acquire knowledge most effectively when it is fun and safe. Then creativity has no end.

We hope that in the coming school year, we will also go on a journey through time and space to better understand the world around us and the rules that govern it.