Szkoła międzynarodowa w Katowicach - CSIS Katowice

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  • ul. Wincentego Witosa 18
  • 40-832 Katowice

On March 23, students of extended biology took part in classes at the Department of Molecular Biology of the Medical University of Silesia. Students had the opportunity to take part in practical classes on DNA isolation and PCR.

During these classes, our students had the opportunity to learn how to isolate DNA from biological samples. The task was to perform DNA isolation using various methods.

The next step was to perform the PCR reaction, which is one of the most important tools in today's molecular biology. The students were introduced to the basic principles of this reaction, and then had the opportunity to carry it out on their own.

During the classes, our students could also learn about various types of PCR, such as real-time PCR (qPCR) or multiplex PCR. This enabled them to understand the applications of PCR in scientific research and in medical diagnostics.

Thanks to these classes, high school students gained practical experience in the field of molecular biology, which will certainly be useful to them in the future. DNA isolation and PCR are fundamental techniques used in many fields of biology, such as biotechnology, genetics, medicine, and life sciences in general.

The Department of Molecular Biology of the Medical University of Silesia conducts practical classes in the field of molecular biology for students of the Faculty of Medicine and for students of other faculties who want to broaden their knowledge in this field.